Duty Liaison

Helping you to work efficiently and earn more income!

In addition to an in house duty agent our offices employee a duty liaison. They help to handle property calls with an emphasis on obtaining the prospect’s name and phone number. They are licensed agent who does not sell or list.

Our Duty Liaison will effectively “pre-qualify” a lead and do their best to determine what that caller is interested in.

  • The duty liaison tasks include fielding calls, relaying appropriate information to callers, entering data into lead tracking system, and leaving voice mail and email messages so agents can follow up with callers.
  • Keeps you aware, at all times, of interest on your listings.
  • Duty Liaison determines what made the phone ring, how did that caller “see” or “read” about the property, e.g. Reading Eagle, sign, website, etc.
  • You are provided with a report so that you know exactly where your calls are coming from and can then concentrate your marketing in those areas.
  • They can also email MLS info and photos to callers if requested.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

